

Some ocelots are out of the wild and in zoos or captivity to reproduce and populate without getting killed to save their population. Another way people are trying to help are trying to help is by making funds, groups, companies, and organizations that are made to help wild cats that are endangered. One specific group is Big Cat Rescue (check out there website here: http://www.bigcatrescue.org/cats/wild/ocelot_save.php. They explain everything they do to save the ocelots and more wild cats. An example is how they joined many organizations to help ocelots through with other groups too, or using donations to continue programs like the training of zoo staff member to handle animals like ocelots right. Everything Big Cat Rescue and other organizations do is for animals endangered and in need of help.

Go back to Behavior/ Relationship to see the Big Cats Rescue Video : http://nickjp6.weebly.com/behaviorrelationships.html